Behind The Meter, Multi-Function Energy Storage

Gridtogo™ is a standard solution that can be adapted to deliver a wide range of functions and have the flexibility to adapt to your needs.

Behind The Meter, Multi-Function Energy Storage

For an energy storage system to be effective, it needs to be able to deliver multiple benefits on efficiency and cost, as well as maximising return on investment. Our behind the meter energy storage solutions address a number of common challenges, including capacity availability limitations, costly re-enforcement, long lead times for new connection and expensive peak tariffs. Not only are our energy storage systems efficient and cost effective, they also come with a number of tools which simplify the task of effective energy management.

Contact us to speak with an expert.

Gridtogo™ for Behind The Meter, Multi-Function Energy Storage

The innovative gridtogo™ system can be adapted for a variety of applications, meaning it has the capability to meet your needs without having to ‘redesign the wheel’, as it were. Amongst the many capabilities of the gridtogo™ are the abilities to capture solar PV for self-consumption or to provide DSR capabilities such as voltage and frequency response, which can also be monetised.


  • Can Energy Storage Systems Be Used As An Alternative To A Grid?

    Yes. Energy storage systems can be a suitable alternative, as they can be used to address power requirements at peak times.

  • What Are The Benefits Of gridtogo™?

    Flexible, multi-functional and simple to install. gridtogo™ can be easily adapted to your requirements.